Mark ITFC Hynes

latitude 51.94143535 / longitude 1.05763096
My existance : 1962 ->

In 1966 we moved to a bigger council house with three bedrooms & front,back gardens. My parents eventually brought the house off the council & still live there to this day.
79 Colchester Road
CO11 2BJ
On 21st February 1959 my father, John Joeseph (Sean) Hynes asked Jean Walker to become Jean Hynes, to which she happily agreed. They moved into a house which was down a lane that ran alongside the railway line from Mistley to Manningtree, just off the top of Oxford Road. They quickly produced a family of three brothers starting with John who was born on 17th July 1959, then on the 8th February 1960 along came Kevin and finally on New Years Eve 1962 Mark entered the party.
Me, John and Kevin. 1962.

My first car.

Manningtree High School:1971-1979
My education contined at The Manningtree High until I was sixteen and had taken all my exams. I could and should of tried a bit harder but all I was interested in was playing football with my mates and later on girls. In my first year, in dinner hour, we went to a house opposite the school and a girl from the year above took off her top to show us her firm but huge tits, I swear I came in my trousers and couldn't take my eyes off them. From that day on i've never been able to resist a girl with big tits.
St.Micheals Primary School:1966-1971
My education started at St.Micheals Primary School on Trinity Road. Today it is no longer a school but The Trinity Free Church, the old playground is still across the road though.

St.Micheals Primary School
My most vivid memories are of Mrs Cooper pining my long hair back like a girl because I was struggling to read infront of the class. I also remember being told I could not leave the table until I had eaten my dessert of Samilina and my friends wetting themselves when I appeared in the playground with my shorts pockets full of the stuff as it oozed out down my legs. My final recollection was of writing " I HATE FUCKING SCHOOL" in huge letters across a red brick wall opposite the main entrance. The whole school were kept back until the colprit came forward. As I had done the dirty deed all on my own and had only told one other person (my oldest brother John) I kept my mouth shut hoping to get away with it. Someone must of seen me though and I was taken to the headmasters office. He questioned me and threatened me with the slipper then the cane unless I admitted to the crime. I convinced him I didn't even know what the word meant and he agreed it could not of been me because I was to young and innocent.

Mann Egerton:1979-1984
Apprentice Car Mechanic
After leaving school Rosco got me a job working as a farm hand at the farm he worked at in Bradfield. I worked in the fields the whole summer and I remember it being blindingly hot and I even got sent home once suffering from sun stroke. I carried on working at the farm until my apprentership started as a Car Mechanic for Mann Egerton. I couldn't wait to learn how cars work and dreampt of repairing all my mates cars. After the first couple of years I soon realised this was not the job I thought it was. Everything was controlled by time and money. With the bosses wanting jobs done as quick as possible the experienced mechanics were under pressure and no longer had time to teach us properly. Instead we began to be used for simple jobs that could boost the mechanics hours and therefore we didn't get the proper training. Conserquently I failed my skills exam at the end of my apprentership and although the company urged me to retake it I decided this was not what I wanted to do the rest of my life. It was a job where you were constantly leaning over causing back problems, you were dirty and oiley and constantly cold and in a drafty workshop.

Me at 16yrs old on my Yamaha FS1E
Simpson & Lawrence Ltd:1984-1987
Warehouse Man & Delivery Driver
After leaving Mann Egerton my friend Tony Merrit got me a job at the company he worked for called Simpson & Lawrence. They supplied yachting equipment to the Anglia Penninsular and inland as far as London. Two days per week I spent as a warehouse man and three days as a delivery driver which was by far the best part of the job. I would load my van the night before and drive it home so as I could make an early start. Then once I had planned my route I was off all on my own with no bosses looking over my shoulder telling my off or ordering me about.
Moplefan UK Ltd:1987-1999
Machine Operater
After two years of van driving I was starting to get bored so I was on the look out for a new job. A vacancy came up for a machine operator at a local plastics factory so I applied and got the job. The money was double what I had been earning but I had to do shift work. My shift pattern was 2 days of 6-2,3 nights of 10-6 then a quick change over of 2 days 2-10,then 2 days off. Once the cycle had completed 3 times you then got 17days off plus you still had 4 weeks holiday so in theory you could book nearly 4 months a year off on full pay.
If the machines were playing up then it would mean 8 hours of non stop sweating and hard graft, but if things were running smoothly you would only need to get out of your seat once an hour to change the reels. Despite the high wages I still did not manage to save a penny mainly because the CSA had caught up with me and were helping themselves to large chunks of my wages every month. After working for the company for over 10years the recession started to hit so I took voluntary redundancy collecting a hansome £13,500 in my bank account. It was more money than I had ever had in my life and I had so many plans on how I was going to make the money work for me.
Two months later all the money had gone and all I had to show for it was a nice sun tan and my favourite fun car a Renault GT5 Turbo. It handled like a dream and flew like shit off a stick and I blew so many bigger and more expensive cars away and had loads of fun until I blew the turbo whilst racing my football manager back to the pub after a match.

B Gang. Moplefan.UK
Malcolm Hitchcock, Mark Enfield, John Simpson, Dave Lucas,
Trevor Crissell, Ian Fullerton, Mick Page, Mark Hynes, Dennis, John
My Football Carear
I had always loved playing and watching football, I have supported Ipswich Town Football Club since the 1st time my dad took me at the age of six. My dad was the founder, player and manager of one of the best amature football teams ever produced in the area and I grew up being dragged out of bed every Sunday morning to help my dad run the team. When they first formed my best friend Andrew 'Spud' Rudd would come with me and we used to wet ourselves on the touch line at the banter and because they were so shit. As my dad got older and hung his boots up he started to concerntrate more on building a better team. I was just sixteen and playing for Mistley Uniteds 3rd team on a Saturday but still every Sunday my dad would wake me up saying he needed me to play and I would go along and sit on the bench for 80 minutes then I would be sent on for the last ten minutes.
At sixteen I was fit and quite quick but after skinning some burly defender with a beer gut a couple of times I soon learnt what to expect next. Inevitably if they could get close enough to you they would simply try to break your leg but most of the time they were to fat and blowing out of there asses to catch me. They would always try to intimidate you and if they had managed to get close enough to wipe you out would come round behind you and put there hands under your arm pits to help you to your feet, then just as you stood on your own two feet they would pull all the hairs from under your arm pit so that you screamed like a girl as they ran off laughing. At free kicks they would whisper in your ear what they were going to do next time you got the ball, then just as a player was running up to take the free kick would punch you in the nuts and run off before the ref had looked round.
I was a quick learner though and after my 1st season with Mistley 3rds I won player of the year consecutivly for the next three season. I was then taken by Mistley 2nd team to play for them, they were managed by Phil Garwood & Gary Woodward, Gary was a great player and a midfield general in my dads team on Sundays. I remember my 1st game for Gary, he put me in at right back to try to tame the pacey left winger from the other team. With about ten minutes to go till half time and the score at 0 v 0 I was blowing out my ass because the guy I was marking just would not stop running. Inevitably he knocked the ball past me and we both sprinted after it, he got there a fraction before me and put in a perfect cross for there centre forward to tap in. I walked back to the half way line with my head down and trying to get my breath back. The game kicked off and immediatelly the ref blew his whistle and awarded us a free kick out on the left side of the field and I saw my mate Alan Long placing the ball then looking up for me. Just then I overheard Phil saying to Gary "Why the fuck is Mark Hynes even in this side". From my position on the half way line I raised my hand and caught Alans eye, I pointed to the back post, the ref blew the whistle and I set off on a sprint, catching the pacey winger off gaurd I got ahead of him, Alan smacked the ball and it cleared everyones head in the penalty area and met mine as I was running flat out to head past the goal keeper into the opposite side of the net to make the score 1 v 1. As I jogged back to my own half with a huge grin on my face I heard Gary say to Phil "That's why he's in the fucking team!"
Coopers F.C.1976/77
Back Row : Sean Hynes, Bob Vincent, Tony ......, Trever Francis, Derek Crouch, Malcolm Tray, ??, ??, Ian Leveridge, ??
Front Row : Mick Murchant, Tony Dale, Nobby Spencer, Nigel Reynolds, Johnny Howells, Roy Crouch..

Mistley United Under 12's. 1972/73

My Yamaha RD250

My Renault 5 GT Turbo
When I was 17 I sold my Yamaha FS1E and brought a 2nd hand, but only a year old, emaculate Yamaha RD250 with a top speed of 98mph. We had like a Manningtree Motor Cycle club without the authority, because there was no leader, chairman or any rules. We shared a love for motor bikes, high speeds and risk taking. There must of been 30 plus of us and we would go out for runs at the weekends and it always ended up with a race. How so many of us are still alive today is a miracle, unfortinately two of my friends were taken through Motor bike crashes. David Bruce lost his life (June 30th 1979) when a bus pulled out in front of him as he came under Manningtree railway bridge on his way home from a disco at Brantham Village Hall. I was at that disco and had been out on my bike with Bongo(David Bruce) and the rest of the lads that afternoon. I had also gone for a spin with him early that evening at the disco. I took by bike home and got a lift back to the disco from my dad as I intended on having a few drinks. The sight that greeted me as I walked home that night will haunt me for the rest of my life. After the disco I had been invited round a young ladies for coffea, she lived near the village hall where the disco was. I stayed for about an hour then decided to walk home. It was a cool night with a clear sky but not that cold and I was half cut so it didn't bother me walking the two miles home on my own. I remember approaching the railway bridge and the gates were down as if a train was coming so I crossed the road to walk under the bridge. On coming out the otherside I could see a single decker bus half way across the road with Bongo's bike impailed into the front corner of the bus. The thing that sticks in my mind is that Bongo's bike was standing bolt upright as if he'd rode up to the bus and parked it in the front of the bus. The rest of the night is a mixture of flashbacks, I remember getting home and crying as I woke Kevin to tell him what I saw and how I feared the worst. I remember my dad driving me to Colchester Hospital but as we approached town about 5 bikes were coming towards us and my dad flashed them to stop. It was Stevie Hawkins and as I was standing having a pee in the ditch when I heard Stevie telling my dad Bongo was dead. My legs collapsed and I slid down into the muddy ditch I had just been urinating into. I remember getting home and wanting to go out on my bike but mum took the keys so I walked down to Manningtree and sat alone on the bench crying, it was about 2 in the morning. I heard a motorbike approaching and I dried my eyes and looked up to see Dawks( Stevie Hawkins) flick his side stand out, get off his bike, take his helmet off and sit next to me on the bench. We didn't say a word but we sat there all night till the sun came up.

Dad, me, Debbie & Kevin sitting on my Ford Cortina MK111

Me, Rhodes Island, Greece

My Ford Escort XR3i
Coopers F.C.

Coopers F.C.

Coopers F.C.1st & Res:
Chris Gooch, David Smy, Gordons son, Pat Martin, Bleven Havard, Nigel Reynolds, Mark Morsley, Kevin , Ian Eyers, Nigel , ?, Calver, Squaddie, Nobby Spencer, Lee Saxby, Sean Hynes, Chris Holmes, Mark Hynes, Neval Crouch, Shaun Garrard, Peter Staff, Tony Woods, Gordon , Shane Sparrow, Matty Tilstone, Roy Crouch, Alan Collins, Tim Brown, Ian Sherwood, Andy Parker, John Collins, Amy Collins

Witch Finders F.C.
Nigel Parker, Jordan Leveridge, ? , Justin Nicholson, Robbie Marks, Andy Young, Simon Lowe, Mark Hynes, Alan Murchant, Craige Chapman, Darren Fern, ? Steve Collier, ?

By 1992 Coopers FC had progressed from the bottom division to the premiership of the Clacton and District Sunday League. That year we beat Harlequins ( The previous best team in the area ) in the Final of The Arthur Vincent Cup. Unfortinately I had got injured the week before playing for Mistley and was on crutches but we had hundreds of fans from Manningtree come to support us in a thrilling match which we won on a penalty shoot out after extra time.
The next season everybody wanted to play for Coopers F.C. and we had so many good players just standing on the sideline that somebody had the bright idea of starting up a reserve team. Although this sounde like a great idea it actually was the beginning of the end for Coopers F.C. My dad had taken them as high as they could possibly go and after a couple more seasons of in house arguments with the reserve team who were never happy at being a reserve team he resigned as Manager and Coopers FC fell apart.
My best friend at the time, Mark Morsley decided to take the best players from the two Coopers teams and formed a new team called "The Witchfinders". Over the next 7 years we emulated what Coopers had done before us by starting in the bottom division and consecutively getting promoted every year until winning the Premier League but loosing the cup Final 2 v 1 after extra time.
The Royal Mail Postman. 1999-2008
After collecting my redundancy money from Moplefan I thought I deserved a rest so I gave myself a month off before starting to look for another job. My mate Terry Cookson had also just received a payment from his job on the boats so week got flights the next day to Rhodes Island, Greece. We got a place to stay just outside Faliraki, hired a couple of trial bikes and had a very chilled out holiday.
When I got back from holiday I still had about £7,000 burning a hole in my pocket so I went in search of some wheels and ended up buying a Renault 5GT Turbo. Everybody said I was mad buying one of them because they had a reputation for blowing turbo's and they were correct. I still don't regret buying the car though because for 10 months it ran like a dream and was so fast and stuck to the road like glue. It's as close a thrill to liken riding a motor bike as you could get in a car.
There was a job vacancy for a postman at the local sorting office in Manningtree going so I applied and got the job. Right next to the back post office gates there was a Bread shop and above the shop there was a flat to rent so i moved in and work was right next door. I lived in the flat for about two years then moved across the Market Square to 29 Bendalls Court where I lived with a girl for the 1st time, her name was Julie Nicholson.

Me & Charlie Lucas at the Sorting Office
Life changing events
Twin Towers:- 1/9/11